Welcome To

TheSOFTtribe, your trusted source of Software innovations in Africa.

Our Specialization

We are Ghana’s leading software developer based in Accra with vast experience in the design and implementation of computerized business application systems. SOFT has been providing cost-effective and tropically tolerant business solutions to both the private and public sectors in Ghana and West Africa for over 20 years.

What We Offer

We Serve all categories

Solutions for Individuals

Custom-made IT solutions to enable individuals to improve their lives

Business Solutions

Delux business software solutions engineered for the 21st century

Solutions for Governments

Our tech solutions, enables efficient run and delivery of  government services

Our Products

We have a range of products

  • heijulor-1-236x300-removebg-preview


    Hei-Julor is a mobile phone-based emergency alert system built to protect yourself, home or business from attack.

  • nkrumah-1-236x300-removebg-preview


    Nkrumah ERP suite, a fully integrated software application providing SME’s with an integrated accounting, CRM, purchase, sales, manufacturing and inventory control functionality.

  • AKATUA-2-236x300-removebg-preview


    The AKATUA Payroll Management system is the strongest, most efficient, and robust Payroll solution in Ghana today. It is the most widely used solution in Ghana and has been the market leader for over a decade now.

  • AMANFO-1-236x300-removebg-preview


    The SOFT HR Module (AMANFO) is a tried and tested Human Resource management system. AMANFO is driven by the self-service concept, which allows employees to view their personal profile, submit leave, loan and other requests, perform self-appraisal and give training feedback.


What our customers say